IPhone 13 Pro Max Screen Replacement
Does your phone have cracks in/on the screen? Or is your IPhone 13 Pro Max Screen no longer responding to touch? In most cases, your IPhone 13 Pro Max screen needs to be replaced. Are you unsure whether it is necessary? This is IPhone 13 Pro Max Screen Replacement that is manufactured by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), this is the same quality as the original screen. Check if your issue is listed down below
When do you know you need to replace your IPhone 13 Pro Max screen?
- There are cracks in the glass of the screen
- Vertical colored stripes are visible in the screen
- Black ink spots are visible on the screen
- Your screen no longer lights up while your phone is on
- The display no longer responds to touch
We use the highest quality replacement parts available to fix mobile phones. Most of the time we use original parts but if those are not available, we will use a replacement that provides the same functionality. You can check with us before about what quality part is available for your particular phone. All parts are tested before we fit them. Screen replacements are manufacturers same specification, expect perfect repair. After the IPhone 13 Pro Max screen repair, everything will work properly again.
IPhone 13 Pro Max is also known as a frame, chassis, support, AMOLED, S AMOLED, OLED, S LCD, TFT, LED, IPS, Retina, screen, internal screen, touch panel, touch screen, touch panel, window, touch display, digitizer, lens, outer glass, Corning, Gorilla, capacitive, resistive.
Package Including:
- Complete LCD Screen and Touch Screen digitizer x 1 for (Bonded/joined LCD and Touch screen) or
- LCD Display x 1 and Touch Screen x 1 (For parts that come originally separated)
Phone Tech Kenya Repair Shop will not charge you any installation fee. The customer is however required to meet all the shipping cost to send your device to our offices and back. If you prefer you can bring the item to our offices personally.
How Long Will Installation Take?
Your phone screen replacement or repair will take approximately 40 Minutes ~ 1 hour. However some phone models might take longer to allow the adhesive enough time to bond properly. This time though will also vary depending on how many people you will find on queue. Customers are advised to come in early to avoid long waiting time and queues at our service center.
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